Are child custody legal fees tax deductible?

If you have a personal connection, such as at home, you can run an antivirus scan on your device to ensure that it is not infected with malware. However, it is important that documentation is available that clearly identifies past expenditures such as for future or current revenue production or payment of future or current taxes.

Are child custody legal fees tax deductible?

If you have a personal connection, such as at home, you can run an antivirus scan on your device to ensure that it is not infected with malware. However, it is important that documentation is available that clearly identifies past expenditures such as for future or current revenue production or payment of future or current taxes. Ideally, such paperwork should be prepared by an accountant, lawyer, or other qualified professional. In addition, it should be noted that estate planning activities related to simple transfers of property, guardianship issues or the use of estate planning instruments such as living wills, powers of attorney or living wills are considered personal expenses and do not meet any of the deductibles tax categories discussed above.

All tax deductions related to probate charges should be taken as miscellaneous itemized deductions and are subject to what is often referred to as the 2% floor, which is 2% of adjusted gross income. If custody is challenged, parents must be informed about joint custody. The non-custodial parent is almost always granted parenting time. The judgment can order general parenting time, leaving the parents to decide on dates, or it can provide specific times and dates.

If long distances must be traveled for parenting time, arrangements can be made to share the cost. Parenting time orders can be modified if a change in circumstances is shown. The law also allows parenting time that has been unjustly denied to be recovered. A custodial parent who unfairly refuses to allow parenting time can be found in contempt of court and fined or sentenced to prison.

Failure to pay child support is not an acceptable reason to deny parenting time. To move the child from Michigan, or to move more than 100 miles from the child's current residence, the custodial parent must ask the court for an order to change the child's domicile.

Child custody

orders can be modified if there is a change in circumstances sufficient to justify a change in custody. Although the direct costs associated with child custody and divorce proceedings, such as attorney's fees and court costs, are not tax deductions, other indirect fees may qualify.

The cost of a child custody case, including all charges related to custody, has never been a tax-deductible expense.

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